The captivating story of Sweden's longest-reigning monarch, King Carl XVI Gustaf, as his upcoming Golden Jubilee is celebrated. An intimate and revealing portrait of a monarch's journey.
In celebration of Carl XVI Gustaf's upcoming Golden Jubilee, The King's Inner Circle reveals a captivating story of love, scandal, sorrow, and joy as we unveil the life of Sweden's longest-reigning monarch.
Through never-before-seen footage and exclusive interviews with Princess Christina, Queen Silvia, Denmark's Queen Margrethe and his closest companions, this three-part series paints a unique perspective on the King's early life and remarkable 50-year reign, emphasising his profound impact on all Swedes.
3 x 42'
Swedish, English
Queen Silvia, Princess Christina, Queen Margrethe, Leif GW Persson, Douglas von Sydow, Carl Kleman, Johan Beckman
Producers & Editors: Roger Lundgren, Kajsa Glansén, Anna-Karin Rückert, Jonas Wågberg