Season 2 of The Beach Hotel raises the stakes as the rival families face new obstacles, entangling them in shocking secrets, intricate murders, and forbidden romance.
The gripping murder mystery from last season deepens, while both hotels struggle with dire financial troubles. When another body is discovered, tensions reach a breaking point. As the search for answers intensifies, long-buried truths about the hotels, and their founders, Werner Gyllenmark and Egil Grip, begin to surface. Could the murders be linked to past business dealings?
From ‘Queen of Crime’ Camilla Läckberg bestselling author of over 35 million books, published in more than 60 countries.
Soap, Crime, Drama
8 x 42'
Samuel Fröler, Sofia Karemyr, Jenny Ulving McCabe, Filip Wolfe Sjunnesson, Marianne Mörck, Görel Crona, Rennie Mirro, Filip Wolfe Sjunnesson, Ylvali Rurling, David Lenneman
Tereza Andersson, Andreas Lindergård, Peter Lindmark