Two sisters plagued by relentless misfortune discover a family curse and embark on a comical quest to end it, even if it means outwitting their cursed yet cunning aunt.
Sisters Nastka and Monia are trying to live their own lives. In theory, they’re thoughtful, independent, autonomous, but, in practice, their life is constantly ruled by bad luck.
Just when something is about to work, suddenly the most unexpected thing happens, ruining all their previous plans.It’s a given, just like two plus two is four. Nothing good will ever happen to them. Tired, exhausted and broken, they go to the only place where they feel safe, the family home where their mum and grandma live.
Women’s family evenings with a glass of wine are a respite, until grandma reveals a long-hidden secret after one glass too many. It turns out that the bad luck that haunts them is the result of the nefarious acts of great-great-great-grandfather Bogusław, who nabbed a holy picture from the pope himself. The pope put a curse on the whole family. All the way to the seventh generation. Who’s the last one? On whose life does the curse end? Aunt Aniela, grandma’s annoying twin sister.
The girls are in heaven, so it’s not their fault, they’re just cursed! What a relief. There’s a chance, the bad luck can be turned! However, aunt Aniela, wicked, yet still very much alive, has to disappear…
Comedy, Drama
1 x 90'
Danuta Stenka, Anna Seniuk, Anna Nehrebecka, Agnieszka Więdłocha